Hi everyone! As I blogged last time, parnters4japan asked me to make a vlog for charity. So I filmed on March 22, edited it and it's on the channel. Here you go!
Again, thanks very much who cooperated this awesome video. I really really appreciate it. I guess WE totally cheer people up with this video!
It's been about 3 weeks since the earthquake hit Japan. As you know, we've been still struggling. Even though here, in Tokyo, I mean the whole Japan has been still struggling, It's so sad.
On the other hand, we've been trying to be positive.
Some people say, "Hey, don't be so sad, keep your chin up!!" "We can't restrain ourself. Because that's just escaping from the sadness!"
"pray for japan" has been such a popular website lately. Everybody can post messages to that website and share them. So you should go check that out and post some positive messages!
Don't worry, we can overcome this sadness. But we have to keep our chin up, that's for sure.
Oh by the way, I uploaded a new vlog as well! This is my first time NOT to do anything in front of the camera. You know, sometime people don't want to do anything.....
Yeah, don't say that I'm such a lazy Japanese! I'm super busy, okaybye!
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