Monday, April 25, 2011

Act Like A YouTube Celebrity Episode 2

Hi everyone, how are you doing? Do you remember "Act Like A YouTube Celebrity"?
Did you enjoy watching it? Yep, I know if you only understand Japanese....
Well, here is the part2, Here you go!! was it? Was it better than part1? Should we make more?? I guess we should. Anyways, I gotta make more videos. OKAYBYE!

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Best Dajare Ever!?

Hi everyone! Howdy, howdy, howdy today? So, today's vlog is actually a video response to a YouTuber who might be a big fan of me.
My vlog "Name Vlog In Japanese" got a video response and it's about asking me to make a Dajare video. Have you heard of Dajare? 
Well, "Dajare is a kind of comic Japanese word play, similar in spirit to pun relying on similarities in the pronunciation of words to create a simple joke." by my favorite website, Wikipedia
So you now know what it is! Here is my response to the YouTuber, here you go!

I hope you enjoyed today's vlog! So if you want me to do something on my channel, don't hesitate to ask! I'll see you guys next Monday, okaybye!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Black Day!

Hi everyone! How's going? So last month, on March 14th, it's called "White Day".
And this month, on April 14th, it's called "Black Day". Have you heard of it?
Before you watch my Black Day video, you should google it if you've never heard of this day!

So, did you google it? did you?? Are you really sure you did???

Ummm,  okay I accept you! Here you go!!

I think the way I celebrated "Black Day" was totally South Korea, they eat jajangmyeon. But me.......yeah, I was 100% wrong. At least I ate Black things.
Next year, I will celebrate it much much much funnier and better. I promise.
I don't want to break any promises today, okaybye!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Act Like A YouTube Celebrity

Hi guys, how's going? Yesterday, I uploaded a new vlog. After that, I was supposed to blog about it but I felt asleep.....Completely! Totally!! So, now I'm blogging about yesterday's video. If you haven't checked it, you must! Here you go!!

This video was filmed after "The Best Cinnamon Challenge Ever!?". My girlfriend suddenly filmed me like an interview. And I was acting like a YouTube celebrity.
She was acting like a TV interviewer and doing really well. (Actually, better than me....) It was so much fun to film, thanks very much!
Oh by the way,  on 14th April is "Black Day". You remember? If you don't, go check "White Day" video.

 So, "Black Day" is coming soon. I'm going to upload on that day. I'll see you guys soon, okaybye!

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Best Cinnamon Challenge Ever!?

Hi everyone, how are you doing? So last time, I tried a marshmallow challenge and I kind of made it. I mean, who can decided and tell me that I succeeded?
Anyways, the other day my friend told me that there is another challenge.
It is called "Cinnamon challenge".
I think you've heard of this challenge, haven't you? If you haven't here is the direction.
You'll need,
A person (who loves doing stupid things)
A spoon
Ground cinnamon
A stopwatch
And you swallow a spoonful of ground cinnamon within sixty seconds.
Sounds really easy, doesn't it? But one more thing, you're not allowed to drink water while doing this challenge.
Sounds really hard, doesn't it? So this is my challenge.

So, I totally failed. I'm a such a looser.....I don't feel blogging now, I'll see you guys next Monday, okaybye!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy April Fool's Day!

Hi everyone, so how was your April fool's day? Did you make it? Did you surprise your friends, family, co-workers?
My April fool's day was not so bad. Due to a vlogger, I decided to post a video.

So, I lied to the internet. How about you? Did you lie to someone?? If you did, tell me what kind of lie you did, okaybye!