Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Most Expensive Giving Away On YouTube or Not?'s so cold here, in Tokyo! Hi, how have you been lately? Me? Oh yeah, I've been doing well.
 I want to let you know one thing. I bought a dream!! Yes literally, I bought "A DREAM"! You want to know what I mean? What I bought a dream is that I actually bought 10 lottery tickets to "buy a dream", hahaha.
Since I decided to buy the lottery tickets, I wanted to make a new video. And I thought, "Oh what if I won the lottery and got the first prize, then I shared it to the world? That would be awesome!" Then I made the video.
I believe that I can win the lottery. Because people say, "If you don't get lottery tickets, then you'll never win." So I am confident that I can win it!
Oh, you have no idea what I'm talking about? I guess you still haven't watched the video. Check this video out!
You're going to witness a historical moment! Spread this video to the world!!

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